skeleton and zombie horses are not untameable anymore (now spawn in a tamed state).fixed that players in Multiplayer can obtain the items of another player's recovery kit.end portal now spawns 1 block before the last gift chest and not at the same time.end portal now spawns 3 blocks below the infinite block instead of 2 blocks.moved rabbit spawns from phase 3 to phase 2 so that they are not killed directly by wolf spawns.there may now spawn more than 1 mob of the same type for an individual mob spawn of the infinite block.random mob spawns are now weighted instead of all mobs having the same chance to spawn.when the infinite block spawns a mob, it now produces a particle and sound effect.increased difficulty with higher amounts of mob spawns.a benevolent gift is now at the end of every phase.rare chests may now contain enchanted books with multishot, soul speed, binding curse and vanishing curse (to now support all possible enchantments).rare chests now contain guaranteed gold nuggets or ingots.rare chests now contain at least one potion and one enchanted book.variety chests now don't contain items from future phases (only from the current and previous phases).renamed 'super chest' to 'variety chest'.special chests now produce sound effects when they spawn.updated probabilities and amounts of most items in all chest loottables.flowers now don't appear in normal chests anymore, but in the odd chest instead.redstone ore now only spawns in phase 5 or later.

replaced white concrete powder with light gray concrete powder, to be the only concrete powder that is spawned.very rare blocks now have a higher chance of spawning from random blocks.infinite block now plays a few particle effects constantly to make it easier to identify.
#Minecraft sever for zombie craft v3 upgrade

#Minecraft sever for zombie craft v3 update
Release 2.0.0 is the first true update since release 1.1.1, and all changes mentioned in the changelog are changes from release 1.1.1. This changelog includes all changes from the releases Beta 1 to Beta 3. removed the following items from chest loottables: flint, gold nuggets, iron nuggets, mushroom stew.removed the following blocks from being spawned by the infinite block: coal block, emerald block, gold block, iron block, lapis block, redstone block.increased the block destruction caused by newly spawned monster parties.a message gets shown in chat if a monster guard despawns after 7.5 minutes.mobs from monster parties are now automatically killed after 7.5 minutes instead of 5 minutes.villagers and wandering traders now spawn with a name randomly chosen from 52 names.dolphins, fishes and squids spawned now received 10 seconds of resistance to prevent them dying right away.reduced amount of polar bears and pandas spawning.gift of phase 4 was changed: added trident, but removed pufferfish or tropical fish buckets.halved amount of snow blocks spawning in phase 4.decreased block amounts in first phases and increased block amounts in later phases.weather is now clear for at least the first 1000 blocks mined from the infinite block.